
I can sense the zephyr
from the open window
thumping the foliage
hither and thither,

I too am strutting on
the window getting an
eyeful of all appealing
vista panning out,

Beholding the sprouts
on earth, like a carpet
has lidded it all and the
sun glints flickering rouse
the oomph in me to dance

and from my window a
scrumptious outlook of
mustard plants of family

you won't believe,
a mesmerizing elegance
would appall you all
In all.

Birds multicolored
scampering hither and
thither in search of
food, their luscious toning
while cheeping is heard

and a dainty waft of air
that would assuage your
heart suffering from years,

outside of my window,
a mosquito flying and
perpetually whizzing,
irking me to shift my
hands over and over.

This panorama from my
window ostends the world
of credulity;
outside my window,
I behold everything groovy.
©Adi Adnan

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