
All from nescience, our bed of
roses cascades; overlong simpers
on lips anyhow gloss; veniality is
enough held in our cutthroat fate,
we are nincompoops and little by
little hovering at the same pace.

What we know,

Fornication at the verge that
has hurled us into the inmost
craters of the verminous world.

What we know,

Hoodwinking that has
quashed all themes of
the guileless world.

What we know,

Canards that we dispel
unceasingly to begin again
the skepticism among the

What we know,

Reprimanding that has
spawned the substratum
on our aisles of fruition.

What we know,

Anathematizing, still drifting
in the yecchy minds of people,
In the yore, we made snafus,
and we are still bringing about;
we have been shattered,
nonetheless, we are doing,
everyone is optimistic by
committing askew deeds,
yet we are forgiven.

What we know,

Lust, the most impish thing
I have ever secerned on the
Ages gone, yet it doesn't go
away, beginnings and endings
are there regardless it doesn't
have; still, people adore it and
seeking it.

What we know,

To breathe inside the
voluptuous milieu, and
leave our splendid deeds
with the puff of the west,
then unceasingly sips the
vetoed things in life.

What we know,

Upholding the tide of
malfeasance, conspiracy
perpetually has quelled us,
we taste it and mumble there
is none watching, our blood has amalgamated with unkempt one.

we can't even make out the
profound nature of life
how to reside,
how to be human beings ;

Seek the words of clemency,
Seek the words of humanity,
and keep your eyes open;

Humanity and forgiveness are
tangible, hook them with you
and hear them appearing,
stay beside them and keep
your hands in them,
eventually, you will be forgiven
by the one and only God.
©Adi Adnan

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